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Pair of Previously Loved Dog Sledding Books

DESCRIPTION: This offer is for two previously read books about running Sled Dogs,Woodsong by Gary Paulsen and Sled Dog Trails by Mary Shields.

Woodsongby Gary Paulsen
Gary Paulsen is well known for his book Winterdance about running the Iditarod. This small hardcover book, Woodsong, was written before Winterdance and is the story of how Mr. Paulsen came to dog racing and his Iditarod race in 1984. The parts about the race are amazingly interesting and give you a real idea of the difficulties which are hard to imagine. It took him 17 days to finish his race.
This is a good clean reading copy although it is a former school library book and includes student names in the back. (None have become famous.)
Woodsong's awards include a School Library Journal Best Book Award and an ALA pick as a Best Book for Young Adults. It has been decorated by some artistic child by inking in the last "O" in Woodsong with nice purple ink. I suspect the 4th borrower.
Sled Dog Trails by Mary Shields. (autographed by the author)
Mary ran her first Iditarod in 1974; the second year the race was run. She was one of two women who finished and came in in 22nd place. She was ahead of the second woman by 2 hours and that is how she became the first woman to ever finish the Iditarod.
Sled Dog Trails starts out telling how Mary, who grew up in Wisconsin, came to Alaska as a Camp Fire girl summer counselor while still a student and her vow to return. It explains how she started with a few dogs and the many things she learned with them. It is a gentle book and her love for her dogs shines through it. The Iditarod race is just one of her many trips with her sled dogs. My favorite part is what she does after finishing the Iditarod. The lucky purchaser of this book will be able to find out.
This paperback book was published by Pyrola Publishing and a post card was tucked inside with information about other books published by Mary Shields. Everything looks untouched although I did, of course, read it so I could make sure all was OK. ;-)
Price: $25.00 for the pair of books
***Limited quantities; 1 pair of books available